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Activity List - Payments Sent to Bank - Field Descriptions and Business Rules

The following table identifies the fields and controls, as well as business rules, of the Activity List - Payments Sent to Bank page.

Field/Control Name Type Rules/Values
Table Grid Displays all of the Payments Files, in descending date order, that your company has sent to TD with the exception of:
  • Payments Files to which you do not have Originator access.
  • Payment Files older than 35 days.
File Status Hyperlink Displays the Payment File's File Status.
When an Acknowledgment is received the system updates this field to one of the following 3 values:
  1. Rejected
  2. Accepted with Errors
  3. Accepted
File Number Display Only Display the Payment File's File Number.
Date / Time Display Only Displays the Date and Time that the Payment File was created.
Company Name Display Only
30 Characters
Displays the Company Name assigned to the Company Originator.
Originator ID Display Only
14 Characters
Displays the Originator ID + space + the Currency (CAD or USD) assigned to the Payment File.
# of Credits Display Only
8 Numeric
Displays the total number of credit payments that the Payment File contained.

You can click this hyperlink to generate a Payment Detail Report. This report contains full details of all the individual Payments contained within the file.

Credit Amount Display Only
15 Currency
Displays the total amount of the credit payments that the Payment File contained.

You can click this hyperlink to generate a Payment Detail Report. This report contains full details of all the individual Payments contained within the file.

# of Debits Display Only
8 Numeric
Displays the total number of debit payments that the Payment File contained.

You can click this hyperlink to generate a Payment Detail Report. This report contains full details of all the individual Payments contained within the file.

Debit Amount Display Only
15 Currency
Displays the total amount of the debit payments that the Payment File contained.

You can click this hyperlink to generate a Payment Detail Report. This report contains full details of all the individual Payments contained within the file.

File Status Hyperlink Allows you to access the Activity List - Payments Sent to Bank - File Status page to view the Payment File's acknowledgment.
Next Link Allows you to move to the next 100 records.

Note: This link is only displayed if there is an additional page of records.

Previous Link Allows you to move back to the previous 100 records.

Note: This link only displays if there is a previous page of records.

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