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Web Business Banking Security Measures


There are many ways that Web Business Banking helps you securely manage the system and protect your company’s data. Web Business Banking provides you with the ability to do the following:

Limit Access to the system as well as specific functions:

Limit Authority:

Web Business Banking offers the security feature - Approval Required for Administrative Changes. This feature limits the authority of any one individual in your company. When selected, any change to administrative functions performed for your company requires an authorized user to approve the change.

Secure your Data:

Select different levels of Security:

Within the security system provided, your company can elect to use one of the following approval processes for a particular service.
Note: Not all approval processes are available for each service.

No Authorization- Transactions are sent to TD Bank by the creator of the transaction. No further approval is required.

Authorization- A System Administrator assigns certain users the right to authorize transactions. Other users can create the transaction, but only users with the Authorize right can approve the transaction to be sent to the Bank for processing.

Authorization with Authentication- If your company has chosen this level of security, a System Administrator assigns a Connect ID along with the applicable Authentication Device to each user responsible for authorizing payments. In order to send transactions to TD, these users must use the assigned Authentication Device to approve each transaction.

Company Measures
Your company also has responsibilities for the protection of your data. You should have in place policies to:

User Measures
As a user of Web Business Banking you also have a responsibility to protect your company’s banking information. You should: