View Customer Initiated Transfer Profile Print 

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View Company Profile


The Payments and Transfers Profile contains a record of:

  1. Your company's Name, Address, Phone number and Company ID number
  2. Your company's TD System Administrator information (Name, Connect ID and User ID).
  3. The services and accounts registered.
  4. The authorization type and level if your company has elected to use either Authorization or Authentication.

A Payments and Transfers Profile is available only if your company subscribes to the Transfers Service.

Accessing View Company Profile

To access the View Company Profile - Payments and Transfers Profile function simply click View Company Profile from the Administration sub-menu and then click the Payments and Transfers Profile link.

You are able to view this Profile only if you have been assigned a right to the Transfers Service unless you are a System Administrator. A System Administrator is able to view service/account details regardless of whether the Administrator has been assigned the service/accounts.


Payments and Transfers Account Grid


Field Definitions/Business Rules

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